There are many types of joining techniques and their applications are based on the required strength of the joints. The most common techniques are mechanical fasteners (e.g., rivets, bolts, pins, and screws), adhesive bonding, and hybrid joining [3,4,5]. On one side, the great advantage of mechanical fasteners is their ease of assembling and disassembling while allowing for reliable inspection. Despite these advantages, composite structures are more vulnerable to the high stress concentrations around fastener holes compared to ductile metals [6]. Aniello et al. [7] presented experimental investigations on shear behavior of riveted connections in steel structures, considering various parameters such as load eccentricity, variation in net-area, plate width, and number of rivets. Their results showed a considerable out-of-plane deformation for unsymmetrical joints, where the effects of bending were confined to the regions where plate discontinuities occurred. Jiang et al. [8] studied the corrosion characteristics of CFRP/Al riveted structures and analyzed the relationship between the microstructure and mechanical properties of these joints. Their results showed that the corrosion pits on Al sheet were mainly observed at the edges of the overlap area, which was due to larger potential difference between CFRP and Al. Li et al. [9] investigated the static and dynamic behavior of composite riveted joints under tension and observed that the total energy absorption of the composite riveted joint increases with an increasing loading rate. A model of the process of cold-driven rivets was investigated by Deng et al. [10], mainly to identify the origin and magnitude of the resulting clamping force exerted by the rivet on a lapped sheet.
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